Balakovo founded in 1913 godu.Balakovo Balakovo is the center of the municipality, located in the Saratov region, and is located on the border of the Middle and Lower Volga. With the city Balakovo border cities Pugachev Khvalynsk, Dukhovnitsky, Volsk, Ershov, Marx. Modern Balakovo not only a major industrial, cultural and educational center. 3 museums in the city, the Drama Theatre, the City Exhibition Hall, 4 cinemas, more than 60 libraries, more than 30 schools, grammar schools and high schools, 12 high schools and their branches and subsidiaries. Balakovtsy can be proud of his hometown. The names of our illustrious countrymen - Fyodor Blinov, James Mom, Vasily Chapaev, Dmitry Tarasov Gribanova Nicholas, Nicholas Peregudova, Evgeny Lebedev, Gennady Golobokova and many others - show how rich talented people, our native land. Balakovo - second Venice. The city is divided shipping canal in two. Used road, rail crossing over the river. Volga. According to the "blue" street - the navigable channel - ply passenger ships and barges-type self-propelled Volga-Don. While the water in Balakovo gateways passengers, and often themselves balakovtsy, overlook the city skyline. In full view of the open two landscape: part of the island - the old city, and zakanalnaya - new areas.
Макияж загадки о особый день ???
Сегодня экспозиционная площадь музея составляет 1550 кв.м. (8 залов), в его фондах хранятся более 90 тыс. экспонатов – немых свидетелей периодов становления и развития, как области, так и республики в целом.
Среди артефактов, находящихся в распоряжении специалистов актюбинского областного историко-краеведческого музея, особое место занимают золотые украшения из курганов «Бесоба», «Сынтас», «Нагорный», предметы из усыпальницы гуннского вождя (найдены у пос. Жилянка и на реке Талдык), каменные изваяния X-XIII вв.
Также в музее хранятся останки древних животных – гигантского млекопитающего, именовавшегося индрикотерия, рога исполинского оленя, найденные на берегу р. Илек, череп первобытного быка, кости мамонта.
Особое место в экспозиции музея занимает зал, посвященный флоре и фауне актюбинской области. Природа этого региона действительно богата и разнообразна. Здесь произрастает 61 вид растений, занесенных в Красную книгу Казахстана, 22 - отнесенных к разряду эндемичных реликтовых видов. Кроме того, на актюбинской земле гнездятся 32 вида краснокнижных пернатых, в их числе: розовый фламинго, стерх, дрофа, кудрявый и розовый пеликан, лебедь кликун, черный турпан.
I'm very good at basketball. I've been playing it for a long time. I want to get into the national basketball team. So I train hard and go to all the tournaments . I've recently gone to a competition and won the prize.
<span>My name is(напиши своё имя), I’m thirteen years old. My favourite holiday is my birthday. On this day I get up early, but by that time my mother already cooks food for a festive table in the kitchen. In the morning my family and friends begin to give presents and congratulate me. My parents and younger brother always want me to remember this day for a long time that’s why they decorate the flat with many-coloured little balls. On this day a lot of my friends and relations usually come to see me. When we all get together we sit down to table and begin to celebrate my birthday. Everybody has a good time dances and communicates with each other, the music plays loudly. At the end of the holiday we turn off the lights and my father brings a big cake with candles. I must blow out the candles and make a wish. After that we have tea with a cake and then we dismiss the guests. I would like to celebrate my birthday every month because all our relations and friends can meet together on this day. I grow up every year but my birthday always remains the most unforgettable holiday of the year.</span>