<span>Garry Kasparov (13.04.1963) - Russian sportsman.</span>
<span><span>1)Family and early years
</span>He was born on April 13th, 1963 in
Azerbaijan, in a noble family. Both his parents were successful
engineers and his grandfather was a composer. At the age of four he
learned to read. He soon developed interest in history and geography.
<span>)Early successes
</span> When he was seven, he dreamt of becoming a doctor to cure his
seriously ill father. Before his death his father gave him a present – a
chess clock. From now on his mother took all the responsibility for
his education. She fully dedicated her life to Garry’s career and
well-being. At the age of sixteen the boy already had the title of a
world champion.
<span>)Later years</span>
When he was 22, he began playing with the world
champion Anatoly Karpov. Their match lasted for almost half a year and
was registered as the longest match in the history of chess.
When he was a teenager, he won three gold medals for excellent
graduation, victories in chess among juniors and participation at the
World Chess Olympiad within the USSR team. Later on, he had three
convincing victories at international tournaments in Yugoslavia. From
October 1984 Garry Kasparov started a long-lasting unprecedented
confrontation with Anatoly Karpov, which lasted over 10 years. Their
first unlimited match involved 48 games. The match was interrupted by
the President of FIDE, as the players were exhausted. The winner was
Anatoly Karpov.
However, six months later the rematch was won by Kasparov. All in
all, these two have played 144 games, most of which ended in draw.
Continuing the best traditions of world champions, Garry Kasparov
currently pays lots of attention to social and literary activities in
the field of chess. Apart from that, he organizes and supports
children’s chess schools in Russia, Israel and several other countries.
Garry was one of the co-founders of Professional Chess Association. He
is well-known and respected in the world for his education,
intelligence and brilliant image. Many experts say he is the best chess
player of all times.
<span><span>4)greatest achivments
</span>Garry Kasparov is one of the best
chess Grandmasters, former World Chess Champion, Honored Master of
Sport, writer and political activist. He won eight World Chess
Olympiads and eleven chess “Oscars”. </span>
It's a story about a girl who has been disaapointed in guys in her life. She was constantly rejecteb by lads who she's ever met. Here is a story that happened with her, She liked a guy and she hoped he is her forever but... One day that guy offered her to be his girlfriend. They had good evenings where they could talk about baseball. This was a thing that was connected them.
But one day after her competition of baseball in Hawaii that lad asked her to check her e-mail. He wrote he thought during her absence and he came to conclusion that they couldn't be with her. She only answered OK and cried a lot.
That guy wasn't her the only guy she has ever met. Now she is disappointed in every guy.
1D 2A 3C 4D 5C 6B 7C 8A 9B 10C 11D 12A 13C 14A 15C 16C 17A 21C,D 22A 23C 24C 25D 26B 27B 28D 29B 30C 31A 32C 33A 34B 35B 36A 37-не понятно 38A 39C
Сəнді киім
Мен қыз бала болғандықтан өзімнің жаныма əрине əшекей бұйым тұрлі сəнді əдемі кмімдерлер ұнайды. Əрбір қыз баласы таза ,əдемі, көрікті болғанды қалайды. Сəнді киіну мен үшін өмірімде ең маңызды орын алмаса да , сəнді киінуді, көштен қалмауды кім ұнатпайды?! Қазақта орымал тон болмайды жол болады демекші əр нəрсені яғни əр киімді өзіне үйдесетін нəрсемен байланыстыра білген дұрыс қой. Қазіргі таңда əлемге əйгілі əр түрлі фирмалар өздерінің брендтерін шығаруда. Оларға мысал келтіре кетсем : гуччи, шанель, долчи габбана жəне т.б . Осылардың ішінде ең ұнайтын фирма маған гуччи бренттері .
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