_____________,doesn't it?
1)Kyle looked out of the window and he looked strange creature.
2) Kyle decided to look out of the window.
3) Kyle saw alien, radio began make noise, and Kyle said:"ALIEN!". But people didn't believe him.
4 Where is she from?
5 How old is she?
6 Has she got a brother or a sister?
7 She has got blue eyes and dark hair.
8 She can speak French.
9 No,she can't.
10 can play
11 здесь может быть несколько вариантов,смотря какой у вас в учебнике.Напишу один,но вы посмотрите в заданиях других
Does she do any sports?
12 She plays tennis
Запишите транскрипции: Code,sold,quack,quick,bone,home,joke,no,note,nose,gnome,cold,old,gold,bold,fold,hope,black,sock,click,tic
tintina [7]
Kōd,не знаю, kwak,kwik,bōn,hōm,jōk,nō,nōt,nōz,nōm,kōld,ōld,gōld,bōld,fōld,hōp,blak,säk,klik,tik,<span>ˈkwesCHən</span>
a Rome ( Rome is a country . Italy, London, Madrid are cities)
b Paris ( Paris is the city of France. New York, Washington and San Francisco are the cities of America )
c Africa ( Africa is a continent . USA, England, Japan are state)
d London ( London is a city, the capital of Great Britain. Manchester United, Arsenal, Barselona - the name of the football clubs)
e skiing ( football, tennis and basketball are kind of play with balls
f Michael Jordan ( Michael Jordan is a baseball player) )