У меня очень большая и красивая квартира! В квартире есть ванна, туалет, моя комната, брата , гостиная, кухня и конечно папин кабинет в котором он работает. В папином кабинете очень красиво. Есть очень много интересных и дорогих вещей. Которые папа очень любит и бережёт. В моей комнате есть стол, шкаф и кровать. Гостиная у нас тоже красивая! Ванная и туалет очень большие и изысканные. А кухня у нас совсем скромная. Вот такая наша квартира!
I have a very big and beautiful apartment! The apartment has a bath, toilet, my room, brother's , living room, kitchen and of course dad's office where he works. In my father's office very nicely. There are so many interesting and expensive things. Which dad loves and protects. In my room there is a Desk, wardrobe and bed. We have living room is also beautiful! Bathroom and toilet very large and fine. And the kitchen we have a very modest. Here's our <span>apartment!
1)It's ten past nine.
2)It's half past seven.
3)It's a quarter to seven.
4)It's twently-seven pust seven.
5)It's a half past nine.
I can't see and watch than picture, because I haven't them in my arms.
Every year millions of tourists visit the Tower of London. The black ravens are one of the reasons why visitors come to the Tower. The ravens appeared in the fortress many years ago. According legend at least six black ravens must always live in the Tower. If the ravens leave the Tower, the country will disappear. To prevent the birds from flying away, their wings are clipped every three weeks.
2. The visitors want to see the ravens in the Tower, don't they ? - Yes, they do .
3. The ravens that live in the Tower are of different colours, aren't they? - No, theyaren't .
4. The ravens flew to the fortress not long ago, didn't they? -No, they didn't .
5. The ravens can't fly away, can they? - No, they can't .
Woke ,потому что это прошедшее время и быстрое .остальное вообще не подходит