Нужно посмотреть по переводу
1. What do you like doing?
2. What don't you do everyday?
3. What are you doing now?
4. What did you do yesterday?
5. What were you doing yesterday at 5 in the evening?
6. What will you do tomorrow?
7. What are you going to do on Sunday?
8. What have you never done?
9. What are you doing on Saturday?
Kazakhstan offers everything you could hope for in a great travel destination, which includes mountain tops, glaciers, coniferous woods, large rocky canyons, pristine mountain lakes and amazing rivers among many others. In this country, tourists can get recreation opportunities throughout the year.
Ответ: B: Sandwich-sandwiches, box-boxes, bench-benches, watch-watches, glass-glasses, brush-brushes.
C: calf-calfs, shelf-shelfs, leaf-leafs.
D: mouse-mice, woman-women, tooth-teeth, foot-feets, man-men, child-children.