Английский язык мы учим с интересом и трудностью.
Сначала мы проходим алфавит и цифры,медленно и не спеша,чтобы голова ребёнка не накапливалась большой информацией,да и чтобы самому ребёнку было интересно проходить это интересный язык.Пройдя алфавит и цифры ,мы приступаем к чтению по слогам..Медленно и потихоньку учим различные слова...Таким методом ребёнок сможет хорошо освоить английский язык.
English we teach with interest and difficulty.
<span>First we go through the alphabet and numbers,slowly and deliberately so that the baby's head had not accumulated a lot of information,and to the child it was interesting to go through this interesting language.After the alphabet and numbers ,we begin the reading by syllables..Slowly and slowly learn different words...with This method the child will be able to master the English language.</span>
In the painting “Bogatyrs” we can see three bogatyrs, who are the main characters of numerous Russian fairy tales.
In the foreground of the painting there is Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich sitting astraddle.
In the middle, on the black horse there is Ilya Muromets. He is depicted looking into the distance. He is holding a spear and a shield in one hand and a club in the other hand. On the left, on the white horse there is Dobrynya Nikitich. We can see that he is approximately of the same age as Ilya. Dobrynya is keeping his hand on the sword as if ready to plunge into action. On the right, on the sorrel horse there is Alyosha Popovich. He is the youngest of all. They all are wearing hard hats and chain armours.
In the background of the painting there are vast expanses of hills covered with trees. Over the bogatyrs’ heads we can see clouds gathering.
На картине «Богатыри» изображены три богатыря, являющиеся главными героями многочисленных русских сказок.
На переднем плане картины мы видим Добрыню Никитича, Илью Муромца и Алешу Поповича, сидящими верхом на конях.
В центре на вороном коне сидит Илья Муромец. Он изображен, смотрящим вдаль. Он держит копье и щит в одной руке, и палицу – в другой. Слева на белом коне сидит Добрыня Никитич. Можно заметить, что он примерно того же возраста, что и Илья. Добрыня держит руку на мече, словно готовый ринуться в бой. Справа на гнедом коне сидит Алеша Попович. Он самый молодой из всех. На всех надеты защитные шлемы и кольчуги.
На заднем плане картины видны бескрайние просторы холмов, покрытых деревьями. Мы видим, как над головами богатырей сгущаются тучи.
2C - while,
5D - when,
My family I think that a family is the most important thing for every person. Family are the people that always love you, support you and help you. For me it is impossible to live without my family. My family is rather large. There are: my parents, brother, sister and grandparents. My father is a plastic surgeon; he helps people become more beautiful. He is a professional. My father does his work very well and gets a very good salary. My mother is a housewife. She looks after the house and us, the kids. Mother makes very tasty breakfasts and dinners. Our mother is very kind, but strict to us. She always checks how we do our homework. Mother arranges our free time, so that we cannot just fool around. My elder brother, Jason, is a student of the medical faculty. He wants to become a good surgeon, like our father. Besides he is also a member of the local theatre club. He plays main parts in several plays. My sister, Jenny, is finishing school this year. But she has not yet made up her mind about her future profession. On one hand she loves animals and can become a vet, on the other hand she is very good at mathematics and knows some complex computer programs. Maybe she will have a year off to think over her future possibilities. As for me, I have always loved music. I can play the guitar and piano very well. I love all kinds of music, but mostly I prefer rock. After school I am planning to enter the music college, because I want to become a professional musician. Parallel with that I want to have my own rock band. Our grand parents are scientists. Grandfather is a historian and grandmother is a linguist. They give lectures in different universities and write serious books. We all get on with each other very well. Every one in our family is rather busy, but we always look forward to a possibility to spend some time together. My family means a lot to me.
1. A bar of chocolate
2.Make a circle
3. A piece of paper
4. Let's play