All the world's a stage" is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare's As You Like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 138. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play and catalogues the seven stages of a man's life, sometimes referred to as the seven ages of man:[2] infant, schoolboy, soldier, justice, Pantalone, and old age, facing imminent death. It is one of Shakespeare's most frequently quoted passages.
«Весь мир - сцена» - это фраза, которая начинает монолог из произведения Уильяма Шекспира «Как вам это понравится», произнесенного меланхоличным Жаком в акте II, сцена VII, строка 138речь сравнивает мир со сценой, а жизнь с пьесой и каталогизирует семь этапов жизни человека, которые иногда называют семью возрастами человека: [2] младенец, школьник,солдат, правосудие, панталон и старик возраст перед лицом неизбежной смерти. это один из наиболее часто цитируемых отрывков Шекспира.
1c 2a 3d 4b 5a 6c 7b 8d 9a 10b
1)place: Let's go on a picnic! Yesterday I found a quiet place!
2) conflict: The police is trying to find out what conflict took place between the father and daughter following the family dinner
3)unity; every country must have national unity!
4)power: The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience.
5)stability:i'm hot-tempered, so I don't have an emotional stability
6)swear:Vicky was suspended from school because she swore at her classmate.
7)participate: I participated in international competitions in Thai boxing
8) take an oath: That's right, and I plan to have her by my side for when I take the oath of office.
9)requires;this profession requires knowledge of English and Japanese and be able to cook Japanese food
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