2. Yes, there is.
3. Yes, there is.
4. No, there are not.
5. Yes, there are.
6. No, there isn't.
7. Yes, there are.
For all, the Bear is a symbol of power. The bear is the largest and strongest beast in the north of Europe. This is the personification of a mighty force, power, vitality. It's a beast who can stand up for himself!
The bear may seem awkward, good-natured and lazy. A sort of uvolnem. And his nickname in Russia is indulgent, affectionate - Mishka the callous. For people, Bear has always been a symbol of rebirth and a new life, because disappeared in winter, leaving for winter hibernation, and in spring appeared again alive, and the bear also left in the spring from the den with cubs! Bear - the oldest king of beasts and the Owner of the dense cold northern forests. In the northeast of Europe, Bear is respectfully called the Forest Master, Taiga Master or simply Boss!
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Для всех Медведь – это символ силы. Медведь – самый крупный и сильный зверь на севере Европы. Это олицетворение могучей силы, мощи, жизнестойкости. Это зверь, умеющий постоять за себя!
Медведь может показаться неуклюжим, добродушным и ленивым. Этаким увальнем. И прозвище у него в России снисходительно-ласковое – Мишка косолапый. Для людей Медведь всегда был символом возрождения и новой жизни, т.к. исчезал зимой, уходя в зимнюю спячку, а весной появлялся вновь живым, а медведица еще и выходила весной из берлоги с медвежатами! Медведь – древнейший царь зверей и Хозяин дремучих холодных северных лесов. На северо-востоке Европы Медведя уважительно называют Хозяин леса, Хозяин тайги или просто Хозяин!
Speak about your class- говорить о классе.
1. Mary wished she had not told the parents that linger.2. I was happy with what looked another play by Bernard Shaw.3. In the morning he was nowhere to be seen.4. He seemed to read my thoughts.5. It recognizes that told the truth.6. He was not used to the fact that he was ignored.7. My friend avoids talking about it.8. You fill up the exam, skipping classes so often.9. The picture hanging in the hall, is now being restored.10. Taking into account all the facts, I believe that he is innocent.
In the picture Jane's Sister is as slim as she in the photo.
In the the picture Jane's mother is as beautiful as in photo
In the picture Kate isn't less attractive the she looks in the photo
In the picture Jane's father isn't a bit older than he is in the photo
In the picture Jane;'s father is much more handsome than he is in the photo.He does'nt wear glasses
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