<span>Who would have thought that Pooh will inspire people to create a new sport? As strange as it may, the Trivial game has become so popular in some parts of Europe, even the world championships began to spend on it. Your task - along with the other members of the bridge throw a stick. The winner will be the one whose stick first seem out of the opposite side of the bridge.
Кто бы мог подумать, что Винни-Пух сможет вдохновить людей на создание нового вида спорта? Как бы странно это ни было, игра в Пустяки стала так популярна в некоторых частях Европы, что по ней даже стали проводить чемпионаты мира. Ваша задача – одновременно с другими участниками бросить с моста палочку. Победителем станет тот, чья палочка первой покажется из-под противоположной стороны моста.
Робинзон Крузо-главный герой знаменитого романа Даниэля Дефо 18-го
1. Jenny from in Kazahstan.
2. Yesterday i was invited with my parents , to the home of their Kazakhstani friends. <span>We haven't lived in Kazakhstan for very long , so this was my first visit to a family home here.
3. -
4. Jenny surprised, that </span><span>The tea cups were only half filled.
5. Because </span><span>jenny made they kept giving more food!