Where did you have English on Wednesday?
When were you doing your homework after school, yesterday?
What did you watch on TV's the whole evening yesterday?
What did you do two days ago?
When did you take rides in the park yesterday?
What sport did you play for an hour on Friday?
When did you go to school two days ago?
Fashion in Russia and other countries too is very popular. Now all girls and boys dressed fashionably. So, I love too been fashionably, dressed something beuautiful . At all I love wearing jeans,T-Shirts, dressed(if you are a girl ) )))) and another.
However many fashionably peoples are in Europe countries. They are wearing so nice clothes.
So, as for me all wearing fashion clothes now,because it's 21 century and we can use internet and see some new fashion clothes.
2. Were Peter and Zhankanger at the gym last Monday?Yes, they were
3.Was Zhankanger at the park last Thursday?No, he wasn't
4. Was Juliya at the theatre on Wednesday? Yes, she was
5. Were Zhankanger and Juliya at the zoo on Thursday? Yes, they were
6. Was Peter at the park on Thursday?No, he wasn't
7. Were Juliya and Zhankanger at the theatre on Wednesday? Yes, they were
Дэвиду было 27 лет, когда он женился. Его жену звали Бетти. Когда Бетти увидела вещи иужа, она сказала:" Дэвид, у тебя слишком старые рубашки. Я куплю тебе новую завтра". Дэвид любил свои старые рубашки, но и жену он тоже любил, поэтому ответил: "Хорошо, Бетти, но могу я попросить тебя оставить на месте старые?"
Дэвид ушел на работу, а когда вернулся вечером, Бетти показала ему новую рубашку. "Надень ее, Дэйв,"- попросила она. Муж надел рубашку. Она была длинной. "Это нормально,- улыбнулась она. - Когда я постираю рубашку, она станет короче". "Но шея худая",- закричал Дэвид. "Это ничего, - снова улыбнулась она,- она станет толще, когда ты начнешь кушать еду, которую я буду готовить для тебя".
Tom : Hi Louise !
Louise : Oh, hi Tom ! How are things ?
Tom : We're just packing our suitcases. We are leaving for the airport in a few minutes.
Louise : Where are you going ?
Tom : We are going to Poland for a week .We are flyingh to Cracow at midday .
Louise : So are you staying in Cracow all week ?
Tom : No , we are staying in Cracow for three nights. We've got a reservation in a really nice guest house in the city centre - very good for sightseeing. Then we are going to hike in the Tatra mountains for a few days. Well, we're not sure yet - it depends on the weather !
Louise : Lucky you! Adam and I are still deciding where we want to go on holiday this year but I think we are going to spend a week or two in Turkey, maybe in August .