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Hey everybody.
I have an problem, it just happened now. I have lost my phone, but I don't know where I have lost it. I guess I must forgot my phone at the school or in the car. I already have told my parents and friends about this accident. This phone was veri important for me because I had a lot of pictures there. There were pictures of my relatives, of my best friends and my boyfriend. Those pictures were very important for me so I must not lose it, oh my God, I am so unlucky. Also I had a lot of important documents on my Word program. It was a project for the lesson. I did that project for long time but now I just lost, oh, it is my sadness for now.
I am thinking of making an advertising about my phone I hope anyone will be kind person, he will find my phone and give me it back.
I guess you are interested in the model of my phone. It was an iPhone 6 Plus. Yeah! It was so expensive to buy it. But now I have just lost it. I'm so sad I want to cry.
I really hope that soon my phone will be found. Now I have to go outside and try to find it anyway! Maybe it will be success for me and I'll find it.
See you soon.
Сама сочинила, в 2 48 утра.))
Посчитайте слова, если их меньше 150, то я допишу, просто мне надо идти спать, мне лень считать их, без обид
This summer I was in Greece.This country is beautiful.I swam in sea with my family.The sea was very big-I love it.One day I saw a boy,who couldn't swim!But he was 18 years old.I thought it was very strange.We lived in the coolest hotel in the Greece-"Independence".It was 5 star hotel.I liked sunbathing and swimming-it's my favorite hobby.
1) Human rights must be observed in any situation.
2) The world's first metal bridge was built across the river which is called the Severn.
3) Anne was announced about the change of the plans.
4) Their car was stolen and found in the same day.
5) Finally, they agreed about the terms of the contract and that contract was signed.
6) This experience has already been held, when new equipment was received.
Мой идеальный город это (напишеш город сам). тут много достопремичательностей одна из них это
(напишеш сам) эта достопремичательность очень красива в центре города стоит памятник (или что то другое). В городе (название города) очень красивые реки и озёра. моё любимое(ая) река (или озеро или море) это (название) я люблю её за красоту и чистоту. так же в горде (название города)
очень красивые растения как (название растения) и животные (название животного)