Hello с английского на русский перводится как привет
-Почему ты такая грустная?
-Я двойку получила!
-Ничего, исправить можно!
-Ага, её не исправить...
-Я тебе помогу.
-Да, пойдем.
-Ураа, побежали!!
The room I occupy is spacious and bright. The Windows are curtained with snow-white tulle framed by curtains of a light brown shade. Wallpaper, yellow and orange, reminiscent of the light of the sun, which always contributes to a good mood. Furniture-least. There was a Desk in the left corner and a chest of drawers beside it. Cupboard and sofa-right, and near doors is worth Ottoman. The walls are hung with a variety of photos. Some of them are my own trips and hikes, others are the sights of Russian cities, caught in the lens of my camera. Colorful pictures tell about the descents of the rivers of Karelia: stunning sunsets and sunrises, and foam streams, and happy faces of friends around the campfire. All photos as Museum expositions, from time to time I update. In order to make it interesting for friends to visit me, and to diversify my life. Visits friends call me fun. And I am very pleased to see them off.
What ended the film? вроде так
Mary isn't sleeping
Is Mary sleeping?
You aren't listening to the radio
Are you listening to the radio?
I am not studying
Am I not studying?
You aren't eating now
Are you eating now?
We aren't drinking coffee at the moment
Are we drinking coffee at the moment?