There are lakes in the north and west. In the center of the country there is a steppe called Saryaka and a mountain called Aral Karakum. Kyzylkum and Moyunqum are in the south:
There are three long deserts in the in the south: Syrdarya, Shu and lli. In the south-east, there is a big river called Balkhash. The mountains in the east are called the Altay and in the north there are the aural s and the Tian Shan.
Today was an unusual day,I was in a great mood,and therefore put more feed the cat.-Сегодня был необычный день,я была в отличном настроении,и поэтому я положила более корма кошке.
Today we met with a friend,and she " give the class "!-Сегодня мы встретились с подругой,и я ей" дала класс"!
1. am Я инженер
2. Is Она твой менеджер?
3. are Они мои коллеги
4. is Ей 35 лет
5. am Я работник нефтяной компании
6. Is Она твоя одногруппница?
7. are Мы будущие работники
8. is Он химик
9. is Она хороший физик
10. Are Ты работник нефтяной индустрии?
11. is Это - наше растение
<span>способ приготовления - </span>cooking procedure
1. By whom was the secondary school finished last year?
2. How are the exams sometimes passed by him?
3. Where will he be often sent to?
4. What street was named Sennaya Street many years ago?
5. When was the composition written by the girl?
6. How does my brother always study at school?
7. Who does not usually live together with their parents?
8. When didn't we meet each other?
9. Where did we live last month?
10. When will he go to the theatre?