<span>Whose car did you drive in?
How many books have you read?
Where were you born?
Which of the following films have you watched?
When did you arrive?
Who did you invite for your birthday?
What is your father? – He is a firefighter.
What do you want?
Why are you smiling?
Whom did you help?</span>
<span>My favorite season My favorite season is summer. The summer months are june, july and august. In summer it is hot and sunny usually. In summer children can swim in lakes and play outside a lot. In summer we celebrate official day of Russia. We think summer is the best season.</span>
<span>1) It is a stamp. They are stamps.
Это марка. Это марки.
2) It is a badge. They are badges.
Это значок. Это значки.
3) It is a box. They are boxes.
Это коробка. Это коробки
4) It is an envelope. They are envelopes.
Это конверт Это конверты.</span>
1) The patient was taken care of. - Past Simple
2) Cucumbers weren't added into this salad. - Past Simple
3) The fruits are washed for lunch every day (by my mother). - Present Simple
4) The children are looked after with great care (by their parents). - Present Sinple
5) I was advised to drink warm milk (by my brother). - Past Simple.
Удачи :)
Where does she play puzzle