Представь что ты известный герой остро сюжетного фильма. Напиши свои ежедневные занятия.
Например, меня зовут Человек-паук и у меня очень занятая жизнь.Я просыпаюсь в...
1. She asked Mike if he had got a lot of relatives.
2. He asked his brother how much he earned.
3. The teacher said that the children were doing their sums at that moment.
4. Bill asked them if they were playing tennis that afternoon.
5. Mari wanted to know what happened to Jane the previous night.
6. The librarian asked the children to return books in time.
All the energy we receive , ultimately comes either from the sun or from the ground.
The sun heats our planet , and supplies required for plant growth light . And in the distant past the sun in the same way our planet has implemented energy. His energy is transformed into plants , animal life supported . Due to this we get today coal, oil and natural gas - the so-called fossil fuel resources on which our civilization depends significantly .
The only alternative energy source that is in the earth - the atoms of certain elements that formed long before the advent of the solar system. They are now in the crust * .
* Uranium contained in the earth's crust , formed about 6.5 billion years ago, and its concentration is on average 0.14 \%. Heat from the radioactive decay of uranium today manages the processes of convection in the Earth's crust.
<span>The amount of energy per unit mass of an atom depends upon the size of atom minimum amount of energy per unit mass of the atoms contained in the medium size ( such as carbon and oxygen) , while increasing the amount of the atoms contained in the small ( such as hydrogen ) or large ( such as uranium) . Energy can therefore be obtained either by joining smaller atoms atoms in average sizes (synthesis ) or by dividing the larger atom to medium size ( splitting). Development of fusion energy and humanity splitting energy is one of the most important achievements in the history .</span>
1) Successful person to be very difficult.2) Depends on what character you have if you are bold and you are going to your goal you will succeed. 3) The downside is that you have to choose whether you want to be happy or successful.