1 Has she turned off the printer?
2 Has Cara seen Red Square?
3 Has Mike returned from the shops?
1 was produced
2 was directed
3 was wrote
4 was nominated
Mikhail Vasilevich Lomonosov was born in 1711 near Archangelsk in the north of Russia. When a boy he didn't go to school. Instead he studied Russian grammar and arithmetic. In the 1730 young Mikhail went to Moscow to get a regular education. there he worked in the field of sciences and also wrote lyric poetry. In 1757 he became a councillor of Moscow University which he had helped to found.
I'm вроде так или нет ну попробуй так
У McBrights'a типичный английский дом.Этот прекрасный \дом находиться в пол миле о центра города,около магазинов и главной дороги.Наверху есть спальная с гардеробом и ванной.Так же на чердаке имеется книжный шкаф.Внизу комната для гостей с душевой и туалетом,огромная кухня,столовая,и просторная гостиная с камином.Так же сад сзади и спереди,и одноместный гараж.