3) орехового цвета
4) высокий лоб
6) рот
7)пухлые губы
9)ровные зубы
1.She had been there for 3 hours by the time the mother came back.
2.Sasha was in time. He had come by morning train.
3.If you don`t take a taxi you will be late.
4.By the time you get to the cinema it will have been already 8 o`clock.
5.I hope you start to learn the dialogue.
6.My bus has left by the time you come.
1.I played computer games yesterday. 2. I was playing computer games at five o'clock yesterday. ; 3. He was playing computer games from two till three yesterday. 4. We were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday. 5. What was Nick doing when you came to his place? 6. What were you doing when I rang you up? 7. I was not sleeping at nine o'clock yesterday. 8. What did he do yesterday? - He read a book. 9. What was he doing the whole evening yesterday?--He was reading a book. 10. Was she sleeping when you came home? 11. My brother did not play tennis yesterday. He played tennis the day before yesterday. 12. My sister was not playing the piano at four o'clock yesterday. She was playing the piano the whole evening. 13. When I came into the kitchen, mother was cooking. 14. She was cooking the whole day yesterday. 15. We washed the floor in our flat yesterday. 16. We were washing the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday. 17. Did you do your homework yesterday? 18. Were you doing your homework from eight till ten yesterday? 19. Why was she sleeping at seven o'clock yesterday? 20. He was sitting at the table the whole evening yesterday.
Забыть о реальности и окунуться в мир фантазии....
Отправиться в круиз по джунглям, исследовать крошечные миры. пойти на водную прогулку на гору брызг, и поесть домашней еды у бабули сарас кухня
Прежде чем вернуться в реальный мир, убедитесь, что:
1)Вы потрясли руки с любимыми персонажами мультфильма
2) Вы исследовали особняк с привидениями, и вы приходите акросс некоторые призраки,
3) Вы летали с Питером Пэном на пиратском корабле через ночное небо
4) вы ездили на горках Toontown,
5) вы отправились в ракетное путешествие в Звездном самолете.в.