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It is very important for everybody to make a right choice of profession. There are a lot of <span>honourable </span> professions today. Still, it is difficult for young people to choose. I changed my planes several times about what want to be. I have decided yet that I want to be a lawyer.
It is important to understand that law is not only necessary just because there are bad people in the world. If we were all as good as we ought to be, laws would still be necessary. If we never lied, never took anything that didn't belong to us, never omitted to do anything that we ought to do and never did anything that we ought not to do, we should still require a set of rules of behaviour. In other words these are laws. They enable us to live in any kind of a state.
Every lawyer is required to protect the law. The legal profession is very popular and highly paid today. He is responsible to use laws to help people live <span>safely </span> and comfortably. Still, it is not all an easy work to do.
A lawyer gives you pieces of advice on legal problems or gives reasons for defending people in the court.
Today a good lawyer <span>is of great demand </span> in our country. I want to become a lawyer devoted to my cause<span>.</span>
Сергей Павлович Королев (1907-1966) - инженер-конструктор ракетостроения и "основоположник практической космонавтики".
Образование: Киевский Политехнический институт и МВТУ имени Баумана (Московское высшее техническое училище); Московское училище летчиков, Сертификат летчика.
Работа и вклад: руководил разработкой, конструкцией, тестированием и запуском космических кораблей "Восток", "Восход", "Союз" ;
- опубликовал книгу "полет ракет в стратосфере"(1934);
- подготовил и принял участие в запуске первого спутника Земли ("спутник") Мир (октябрь 4,1957)- подготовлен первый пилотируемый космический полет в истории, когда Юрий Гагарин на космическом корабле облетел вокруг Земли и вернулся успешно 12 апреля 1961 г.;- подготовил "Восход-2" с космическим аппаратом для полета, когда Алексей Леонов совершил первый выход в открытый космос в истории(1965 г )
Награды: звание "Герой Труда"(1956,1961), лауреат Ленинской премии (1957); награждён золотой медалью имени Циолковского.
The telegram will be received tomorrow.
The room was cleaned yesterday.
She showed me the picture which was painted by her father.
Fried potatoes are often eaten with fish.
The situation has not been improved yet.
<em>За 5 баллов сделано 5 предложений.</em>
If I had known that you were ill last week, I would have gone to see you. (Если бы я знал, что ты болел на прошлой неделе, я бы пошел тебя проведать.)