1 travelled 2 wanted 3 was 4 stayed 5 decided 6 were 7 was 8 enjoyed 9 visited 10 was
1. Would you like to travel to the North Pole? -<u><em> Северный полюс с артиклем</em></u>
2.When did you visit North America? <em><u>- со словом when только Past Simple</u></em>
3.New York is one of the most important cities in the world. <u><em>- мн. число - чередование гласных y-i</em></u>
4."You must do it today," the teacher told him. -<em><u> глагол to tell - бtз частицы to</u></em>
5. It's the most worst film I have ever seen. - <em><u>bad - превосходная степень</u></em>
6. Have you ever seen this film? - <em><u>ever - Рresent Perfect</u></em>
7.He has just invited me to go there. - <em><u>just - Рresent Perfect</u></em>
8. Nobody has heard the news. <em><u>- nobody - ед. число - has </u></em>
9. I am sure you won't tell David secrets. - <u><em>двойное отрицание, второй раз no не нужно</em></u>
10. I shan't (won't) be able to go to the cinema tomorrow. I will (можно: shall) meet my friend at the airport. - <u><em>can в будущем времени - заменяем на эквивалент - to be able to</em></u>
I began to study English in the second form and by now I have been learning this language for 9 years.I like English; I think any foreign language helps to understand your own language. The English language is one of the most important languages in the modern world; more than one billion people can speak or understand this language. This language is the official language in such countries as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the South-African Republic, India and many African countries.English is one of the five official languages of the United Nations Organization. English is the language of the great English literature. It is the language of Shakespeare, Byron and Charles Dickens. From the early childhood we enjoy the books by English writers — who does not know Winnie-the Pooh, Sherlock Holmes or Robinson Crusoe!<span>But the English language is also the language of science — most of scientific magazines in the world are published in English. It is impossible to be a good scientist without knowing this language. That is why I pay much attention to English and I hope that in the the future I shall know this language well.</span>
Тут все вперемежку. некоторые из предложенных прилагательных сами уже стоят в сравнительной либо в превосходной форме
<span>Late – later – the <u>last</u>
<u>great</u> - greater - the <u>greatest</u>
good- better - <u>the best</u>
amazing - more amazing - the most amazing
famous - more famous - the most famous
Хай пенни
хай джон , юлл нэва гуэсс ват хаппенд ту ми
ват ис ит? ю лук а Литл апсет
оу диа. ай Хэд э куайт оф шок
Рили, вай?
ай вос ат зе зу вен ай Херд пипл Шутинг Анд скриминг
ват он еарф вас ит
евриван вас араунд зе Фонтейн Анд зей лукд рили скеад
О май гаднес. ват вас гоинг он? дид сомван фалл ин же вота?
Нот сомван бат сомтинг. заре вас алонг орандж Снейк виф блэк страйпс свимминг эраунд ин ит
Оу диа. Вас энион Харт?
Ноу, зе гард каут ит куикли энд пути ит бак ин итс Кейдж
велл велл велл. ю донт си затем евреи дэй ду ю?
Ноу ю сетанли донт