The woman told her son she was glad that she was there.
Mike said that they had bought those books that day.
She told me that she could read my translation then.
She told me that man had spoken to her on the rode.
My classmate told me that she couldn't explain that rule to me.
The teacher told the class that they would discuss that subject the following day.
Our teacher said that Thackeray's novels were very interesting.
She said that we would read that book in the 9th form.
Nellie said that she had read Jane Eyre' the year before.
Alec said that his friend lived in Moscow.
The teacher told me that Ihad not done my work well.
The poor man told the rich man that his horse was wild and it could kill his horse.
The rich man told the judge that man's horse had killed his horse.
1. such songs are always admired by listeners.
2. thing questions weren't asked by the children.
3. when was america discovered by columbus?
4. such fruit trees are not grown in cold countries.
5. the performance was remembered for a long time.
6. ice cream was eaten in no time.
7. was this palace built by a famous architect?
8. this castle is visited by a lot of tourists.
9. his coat was hung on the hook.
10. his toy car was broken by little adam.
Слово are это глагол-связка а при вопросительном предложении are is am входят в начало предложения
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