Слово tall (высокий) произносится как ТЭЛ также как существительное переводится как (высокий рост)
Some пишется в утвердительных предложениях.
any - в отрицательных предложениях и в вопросах.
исключение - вопрос с CAN
Что выставочные залы включают ли они в путеводителях?
<span>1. Ann asked the girls if they were playing volley-ball. Ann said that
she had not known that they had liked it.
2. Peter told us not to touch those photographs because they were still wet and
we might spoil them.
3. Fred asked the boys if their friend often came there. Fred said that he wanted
to speak to him.
4. My friend asked me how I had managed to solve that difficult problem in such
a short time.
5. The teacher told us that we would write a test-paper the following day.
6. Kate told Nick that she had seen a new film the day before. Nick asked if
she had liked it.
7. Prince John asked Locksley why he was shouting and what his name was.
8. The teacher asked who had read 'Ivanhoe' and whom it had been written by.
9. One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature what novels they would read
the following year.
10. The Frenchman asked if the river Volga was in Russia.</span>