Indrisov Teuvezh Medzhidovich is my maternal grandfather. He was born on 1 October 1923 in the village Blechepsin Adygei Autonomous Region. When he was 18 years old he was drafted into the Red Army - to fight against the fascists. He went to the forefront with his friends who didn't come back. My grandfather reached Austria and finished the War in Vienna. He was a miner and he got medals "For bravery!", "For the capture of Budapest!" and "For the capture of Prague!". He finished fighting on May 8, 1945. After the victory he was left in the Red army for two years to clear the territory of the USSR from unexploded ordnance. When my grandfather came back he noticed that his mother had died the day before his return.
Даниель Дефо был знаменитым английским писателем.Он написал знаменитую на весь мир роман "Жизнь и приключения Робинзона Крузо" когда ему было около 60.
Робинзона Крузо была основана на реальных событиях моряка, который жил один в течении 4-х лет на пустынном острове.Но Автор добавил несколько истории про его героя.Когда Робинзон Крузо обнаружил что он один на острове он использовал для жизни только то что было на острове.Он также встретил чёрнокожего мужчину которого звали Пятница.Он стал его другом.
Вставь слова did lox girl 5и всн
1. The driver will take the boys, won’t he? Yes, he will. 2. We shall go to
the cinema after school, shan’t we? Yes, we shall. 3. The children will not work in the garden, will they? No, they won’t.4. We shall decide it tomorrow, shan’t we? Yes, we shall.
5. She will not understand this difficult text, will she ? No, she won’t.
4) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A