We learnt that poem by heart but I've forgotten it now.
Мы учили это стихотворение наизусть, но сейчас я его забыл.
Are you in favour of teenagers leaving school at the age of sixteen?
Вы поддерживаете подростков, оставляющих школу в шестнадцать лет?
I thought the exam would be difficult but, in fact, it was really easy.
Я думал экзамен будет трудным, но фактически он был довольно лёгким.
1) Jane's mother cleaned the rooms.
2) Did Jane help her mother?
3) She didn't like to work.
4) Why did Jane's mother go shopping?
1/1)this text is about the Victory day 2) this day connected with our history 3) people started to celebrate the victory day in 1945 4) May 9 is a sad day for the majority of our population because many people have lost their loved friends and close relatives during this ruthless war 5) people love the atmosphere of the day <span>because the Victory Day unites the nation.
2/</span>Следовать обычаям follow customs
Сохранять традиции preserve traditions
Религиозный праздник religious holiday
Отмечать годовщину celebrate an anniversary
Правила поведения behavior rules
Важное событие important occasion
Широко праздновать widely celebrate
День благодарения Thanksgiving day
3/ have not they 2) can not they 3)does not she 4) are not they 5) did not she
В английском языке слова изменяются повременам.Words in the English language change at times.
Go somewhereHelp to find a jobHospitalityIt was extraordinaryIn accordance withTo advertiseActive manOut of work• Never in my life cycledrecruitdismissappoint the head ofpublish a journalto utterchange mindsince then, I have no doubt