1. B (I wouldn't argue with him)
2. A (for)
3. D (enough)
4. A (the read)
Mardi Gras - an ancient Russian folk festival , was transformed into a moment of pre-Christian times , remaining after the Baptism of Russia . Mardi Gras has been accepted by the church as their own religious holiday and renamed Cheese week. However, the essence of the carnival it has not changed . Mardi Gras falls on the week , the upcoming Lent . For this reason, at this time people were resting in front of a heavy and long Lent. Mardi Gras is always celebrated with a very abundant feast . During the celebration of the carnival was made to eat a lot. Some believed the people that whoever Carnival meet in sadness , boredom and spend the whole year until the next winter wires . Shrovetide uncontrollable eating all sorts of dishes and fun is a harbinger of prosperity and success in the home and business endeavors. Pancakes required "satellite" Carnival , symbolized the sun. Time passes, life , with the Baptism of Russia , new holidays, but continued to celebrate carnival . Shrove Tuesday met with the same irrepressible joy that in the Old Slavic century.
Mardi Gras - it's not a day of celebration. This weekly ritual feast with driving round dances , dances , songs and merrymaking . An important element is the burning rag stuffed Winter.<span>Farewell to the Carnival ended with the first day of the Orthodox Great Lent " Clean Monday , " is considered the day of circumcision . Clean Monday necessarily all residents washed in the bath , washed the dishes and cleaned utensils .
Мистер Кокс: Хорошо, Дэниел. Это твоя комната. Что ты думаешь?
Дэниел: Она очень красивая.
Мистер Кокс: Рад что тебе нравится. Сейчас, запомни, есть некоторые правила. Ты не должен шуметь и ты должен поддерживать порядок в комнате.
Дэниел: А, я вижу. Мои друзья могут прийти?
Мистер Кокс: Только если они из этой школы. И только между 13:00 и 21:00.
Дэниел: О, я понял. Я могу носить еду из столовой сюда?
Мистер Кокс: Не совсем. Ты можешь кушать только сухие завтраки и легкие напитки в своей комнате. Но помни, твоя комната должна всегда быть чистой.
Дэниел: Урм... Хорошо. Спасибо вам, Мистер Кокс.
Мистер Кокс: Я надеюсь тебе здесь комфортно, Дэниел.
<span>1 have been waiting
2 </span><span>had been waiting
3 had seen
4 </span>has climbed,<span>has sailed,has gone
5 had you ever played
6 haven`t seen
7 have been living
8 has been
9 played-had done</span>