1. flying - герундий, перевод: Перелет из Москвы в Магадан занимает восемь часов
2. being - герундий, перевод: Я горжусь тем, что являюсь гражданином России
3. travelling - герундий, перевод: Мне понравилось путешествовать по России прошлым летом.
Ломоносов начал работать в раннем возрасте
В 1810 году Фарадей начал посещать лекции по естественной философии
Лекция, которую прочитает известный ученый, посвящена
проблема экологии
<span>I'm reading now. He is sleeping now. We are drinking tea now. They are going to school now. I am not sleeping now. She isn't drinking coffee now. I read every day. He sleeps every night. We drink tea every morning. They go to school every morning. I don't sleep in the daytime. She doesn't drink coffee after lunch. We aren't watching TV now. They aren't eating now. My mother aren't working now. Are you working now? Is he playing now? Do they eating now? Does your sister has a rest now? What are you doing now? What are you reading now? What are they eating now? What is your brother drinking now? We don't watch TV in the morning. They don't eat at the lesson. My mother doesn't work at an office. Do you work every day? Does he playing in the afternoon? Do they eat at school? Does your sister rest after school? What do you do every morning? What do you read after dinner? What do they eat at breakfast? What does your brother drink in the evening?</span>
В день Светлого Христова Воскресения на улице необходимо здороваться со всеми, даже с незнакомыми и врагами. Еще одно поверье: в день Пасхи солнце играет — все радуется и в небе, и на земле. В пасхальный понедельник принято ходить друг к другу в гости христосоваться и обмениваться писанками. Эти «походы в старину сопровождались пасхальными песнями и стихотворениями. Молодежь забавлялась, обливая друг друга водой. Этот обычай связан с верой в «нечистую силу», а вода как раз и помогала очиститься от скверны. Как видим, не все старинные обычаи сохранились до наших дней, ведь многие из них были отражением не христианской религии, а скорее древних языческих верований. Пасха воспринималась нашими предками как праздник весеннего очищения и обновления. Однако, на мой взгляд, и христианство, и язычество передавали, каждое по-своему, истинное значение праздника для человека — его веру в очищение и возрождение.
On the day of Christ's Resurrection on the street, you must greet everyone, even strangers and enemies. Another belief: at Easter, the sun has all and rejoices in heaven and on earth. On Easter Monday decided to visit each other's homes to give them the Easter kiss and exchange Easter eggs. These "Hiking in the old days was accompanied by Easter songs and poems. The youth enjoyed spraying each other with water. This custom is associated with the belief in "evil spirits" and the water just helped to be cleansed from the defilement. As you can see, not all ancient customs have survived to our days, because many of them were a reflection not of the Christian religion, but rather ancient pagan beliefs. Easter was seen by our ancestors as the spring festival of purification and renewal. However, in my opinion, Christianity, and paganism passed, each in their own way, the true meaning of the holiday for a man his faith in the cleansing and rebirth.
1)I collect marks
2)he answer the question
3)you should stop drinking coffee
4)she likes dancing
5) they play games
1. from
2. to
3. under
4. in
5. to
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