1 Feed
2 He is thinking
3 leaves
4 We are going
5 I am studing
1. Указатель every morning
2. Скорее всего это происходит в момент речи
3. Расписания / программы
4. Запланированное будущее
5. Указатель at the moment
2) Live-ставим на Present simple, то есть окончание s добавляем, значит lives
-Maria, go to the store(magazine). - Okay, Mom. Let's make a list of purchases. -We do not have cabbage and carrots for soup. -You can buy a cookie? - Yes, buy biscuits and bread.
You can't let animals into the kitchen;you can't cut with the same knife other products;it is forbidden to direct the kitchen of besporyadok;<span>cannot be put in</span>