I'm going to be explaining about how technology ruins jobs.
It ruins them in many ways causing people to become homeless or get fired.
First of all,
I think that technology ruins jobs because it distracts people.
Although not all technology such as calculators distract people, most of the technology distracts them. For example, you were doing your work and you saw a movie advertisement on your computer, you begin watching the movie and you just suddenly feel tired and fall asleep.
Once people get bored, they start to either play on their phones or computers, look on the news. It makes them go away from their jobs and they don't pay attention and their customers are not happy.
In conclusion,
That is why I think technology ruins jobs. It ruins peoples lives by distracting them from work.
Painting - a beautiful view of arts. She causes sets of various feelings at people and helps to self-express. At realization of picturesque pictures artists use different paints, giving to images multi-colored tone. It very much pleases eyes. Painting often reflects internal state of mind of the person. And let it is beautifully allowed to draw not to everyone, the main thing, we can always admire wonderful landscapes. Without this art form our world would wallow in gray abysses of life. There are many gifted artists, for example, such as Van Gogh, Titian and Picasso. These outstanding people have woken in society a kriativizm. And it is good.If the person isn't able to draw, but very much wants to learn, for this purpose there are special art schools. There learn not only painting, but also other styles of drawing, for example, a pencil. Also, nobody to you prevents to take a brush in hand and to begin to create. Let at first it will turn out very badly. But if you try, then progress will be available. So far as concerns painting, it is necessary to know that it is. Usually artists draw the nature, it undoubtedly bears in itself the most different tone which want to be embodied on paper. However it is possible to draw not only the nature, but also everything that surrounds you. It can be: interior, animals and a lot of things another. Drawing a conclusion, one may say, that painting - an integral part of our life.
2) Look what you've done! I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when Mum gets home. Смотри, что ты наделал? Не хотел бы я быть на твоем месте, когда мама придет домой.
3) What do you do for a living? - I work as a nurse. - Как ты зарабатываешь на жизнь? - Я работаю медсестрой.
4) They didn't talk for months but now they are on good terms. - После развода они не разговаривали месяцы, но теперь они в дружеских отношениях.
5) I don't get paid till Friday so now I am broke. - Мне не заплатят до пятницы, так что теперь у меня совсем нет денег.
6) Althought he did his best he didn't win the race. - Несмотря на то, что он приложил все свои усилия, он не выиграл гонку.
7) Could you do me a favour? - Не мог бы ты сделать мне одолжение? Если ты выйдешь из дома (пойдешь куда-то), не мог бы ты принести мне молока?
8) Now's a good time to ask for a rise because the boss is in a good mood. - Сейчас хорошее время, чтобы попросить о повышении, потому что босс в хорошем настроении.
Сравнить мачеху и царевну из сказки «О мертвой царевне...» можно так:
1. Положительный персонаж.
2. Черты характера: добрая, искренняя и отзывчивая.
3. Поступки: Девушка совершает немало добрых поступков. Она отлично помогает богатырям по хозяйству, помогает чернице. Так же девушка остается верной своему жениху.
Царица (мачеха):
1. Отрицательный персонаж.
2. Черты характера: лицемерная, коварная, завистливая и эгоистичная.
3. Поступки: Мачеха сильно завидовала красоте царевны, из-за чего и совершала плохие поступки. Сначала попросила чернавку отвести девушку в лес, а затем собственноручно дала яд.
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