He wouldn't be an Internet superstar now.
It rained last night. Past s
it's raining. P count.
It will rain tomorrow. Future s
1. Я умею плавать
2. Я не умею играть на гитаре
3. Мой друг умеет играть на барабане
4. Мой отец не может рисовать красивые картинки
5. Моя бабушка может кататься на водных лыжах
What kind of sport succeeded Sherlock Holmes, it is a form of martial arts (boxing)What do you call the most prestigious events in tennis? (Grand Slam - Wimbledon)Our compatriot - Permian - Olympic silver medalist in Sydney in 2000, Love Bruletova. What kind of sport is it? (judo)Which sport is quite applicable saying "no podmazhesh - you will not go." (For skiing)Russian word "muscle" originally meant "mouse": a movement reminiscent of the biceps shmyganie mouse. Just as it seemed, and the ancient Romans. How will the "mouse" in Latin? ( "Muskulyus" - "muscle") In the early 19th century in St. Petersburg have been taught to do so, it makes a frog, and as the dog does. And they taught? (Swimming)In Moscow Manege Leo Tolstoy learned to ride a horse. And what he also studied in old age? (Cycling)