I walked into the wrong classroom
When i went out of my house, i realized that i forgot my phone
After i had lunch at school canteen i went to the maths lesson
Specialist - Специалист
socialism - социализм
artist - <span>художник</span>
capitalism - капитализм
economist - экономист
internationalism - интернационализм
pianist - пианист
mathematician - математик
statistician - статистик
politician - политик
musician - музыкант
electrician - электрик
Russian - Россиянин
Hungarian - Венгр
Canadian - Канадец
Indian - Индиец
development - развитие
achievement - достижение
movement - движение
arrangement - организация
treatment - лечение
statement - заявление
improvement - улучшение
agreement - соглашение
equipment - оборудование
government - правительство
requirement - требование
measurement - измерения
announcement - объявления
pavement - тротуар
On Friday the 13th do nothing
You can not pass anything through the threshold
You can not go back halfwayYou can not give a watch
You can not celebrate the 40th anniversary
From the house at once you can not go out, you have to sit a little "on the path"
Do not eat with a knife
My friend said to me that he had just moved into their flat.
Kirill otstavnoy I was a good price for the first to know if it possible the years of experience in it Crismas day