1. water, food, oxygen
2. safer, better, cleaner, more beautiful
3. clean, blue, full of fish
4. start a fire in the forest, not fasten your seatbelt while driving, drive under the influence
5. clean water, food, gas
6. drive our cars, throw trash into the sea, use aerosol sprays
7. we are but guests on this planet and we have to keep it habitable for the generations to come
8. better, safer, more open, Great Again
1) Чтобы проанализировать рынок труда, экономист должен сначала объяснить, как люди выделяют свое время на производство.
2) С помощью рекламы можно увеличить спрос на товар.
3) Контролировать экономику - это то же самое, что и вмешиваться в нее.
4) Для эффективного управления предприятием менеджер должен обладать отраслевыми знаниями.
Тут подчёркиваешь
1). Проанализировать
2). увеличить
3). контролировать
4). обладать
-Hey Jane, guess what?
-What happened, Rosie?
-Today I decided to go to the park. I was really hungry when I walked in, so I bought a sandwich.
-Hmm... so?
-While I was eating, I noticed one man, who was staring at me.
-Really? Maybe he wanted to chat you up?
-Haha, yes he did. He told me he had the same T-shirt! Oh my God, I was so scared.
What form are you in?
What is your form tutor’s name ?
When does your school start?
Do you have registration at school?
How long does a lesson last?
What do you usually do during a break?
How do you spend your leisure time?