1. She has finished reading. 2. they have helped their parents. 3.He has washed the floors. 4, We haven't locked the door. 5. You haven't cleaned your teeth.
We have english five times a week, haven’t we?
They wrote a test at the lesson yesterday, didn’t they?
Russian children begin school at the age of seven, don’t they?
I would like to share what I like and do not like to do
Есть ли в вашей школе школьная форма? Тебе нравится она? Влияет ли школьная форма на учебу? Думаешь ли ты что школьные формы сохраняют время и деньги родителей? По твоему мнению, школьная форма снижает индивидуальность учащихся?
1. The manager said<span><span> that he would not solve their problems</span>.
2. Steve's mother told him to g</span><span><span>o to his
room and do his homework</span>.
3. My sister told me not to</span><span> press the button.