Пасха - самый главный православный праздник Украины. Это праздник Воскресения – Пасхи украинской. Это празднование весь смысл Православия-сам Бог стал человеком, умер за людей, воскрес из мертвых, избавив тем самым людей от власти греха и смерти.
Празднику Пасхи предшествует Великий пост, в память земной жизни Спасителя. По традиции, в ночь на Пасху спать не хочется вообще. Вечером люди идут в Церковь для служения вечерни, принося в широком ассортименте продовольственной корзины – Пасха, крашеные яйца, мясные и кулинарные изделия. В полночь в православных храмах Пасхальная служба начинается. После торжественной службы священник благословляет пищу. Православные христиане приветствуют друг друга словами "Христос воскресе!" и отправили домой, чтобы "разговеться" - съесть Пасхальные блюда.Easter - the most important Orthodox holiday of Ukraine. This is the feast of the Resurrection – Easter Ukrainian. It's a celebration the whole point of Orthodoxy, God himself became man, died for the people, risen from the dead, thereby freeing people from the power of sin and death.
<span>Easter is preceded by lent, in memory of Christ's earthly life. According to tradition, on the night of the Passover do not want to sleep at all. In the evening people go to Church for Vespers service, bringing in a wide range of food baskets – Easter, dyed eggs, meat and culinary products. At midnight in the Orthodox churches the Easter service begins. After the solemn service the priest blesses the food. Orthodox Christians greet each other with "Christ is risen!" and sent home to "break the fast" - to eat Easter food.
Mighty and enduring master of the Arctic, the polar bear, the largest carnivore on land! Some males weigh a ton! The main weapon of the bear's powerful claws. With one blow he can stun large harp seal, to say nothing of the seal, whose fat for him – a favorite treat.
<span>Hours a bear lying in holes in the ice waiting for prey. But if the ice is big, he throws himself on the seal in the water. Bear dives and swims well. In water it does not freeze, because under his skin – a thick layer of fat, and thick warm fur coat protects from the cold. The giants, the cubs are born the size of with just the mitten! The she-bear feeds them with milk, holding on his belly and covering his paws. Snow in the den the kids warm and secure. And after two months, and mother will lead the cubs on first walks.</span>
Rabbits - burrowing animals, which means they live in burrows, which pull themselves. Dig it pretty deep. Up to half a meter in depth there. You can cook a rabbit tunnel of cardboard, plugged at one end with cotton or hay. Rabbit will gnaw, and there, and dig. You can also purchase a special cloth on the frame tunnel - the rabbit will run through it here and there, and if one end of the wall up the old towel, it will be more interesting.
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