1 - a
2- не нужно
3-не нужно
1) was developed
2) beating
3) challenged
4) lost
5) have accused
6) them
7) took
8) wrote
9) is
I like to help my mum to do housework. Especially I like to clean my own room. I water the flowers, do my bed, sometimes my elder brother's bed too. I do the washing up in the kitchen and lay the table.But there is one thing I really hate - to take the garbage off. I must put on my jacket and boots and go to the street but I don't like to do it in a cold stormy or snowy weather.
1. Using the old technique (Для аэроплана он использовал традиционное Японское искусство - оригами)
2.Still going strong (В параграфе написано про самого старого теннисиста, а название переводится как пословица "есть еще порох в пороховницах"
3. One not two (В параграфе написано про человека, который хоть и не побил мировой рекорд по собиранию кубика-рубика, но сделал это одной рукой)
4. Going in the opposite direction (Человек в параграфе бегает марафон задом-наперед. Отсюда и название)
5. Balancing act. (Человек в параграфе простоял 72 часа на одной ноге. Отсюда и название)
6. Fast food (Человек в параграфе съел 36 ТАРАКАНОВ за 1 минуту нв одной утренней передаче. Fast food - игра слов - быстрая еда)
7. No fear (Человек проплыл по самой опасной реке мира 5 с небольшим километров. Пираньи и крокодилы присутствовали. Отсюда и название)
8. A bit overdressed! (Человек надел на себя 227 футболок одновременно... Отсюда и название - немножко ПЕРЕоделся (на русском языке это сложно написать))
<span>1. Labour efficiency is being raised by means of new machinery (by them)
2. </span>Labour efficiency has been raised <span>by means of new machinery (by them)
3. </span>Economic conditions are being changed in the region by t<span>he government policy
4. T</span><span>he distribution of labour force in the country is being studied by the economists
5. N</span><span>ew equipment has been bought by them
6. P</span>rices of goods are influenced by demand and supply
7. A<span> variety of electronic equipment is produced by Japan
8. A</span> new technology is being developped <span>to use less oil
9. N</span><span>atural conditions of the region are being analyzed by them
10. P</span>rices of its goods have been increased by t<span>he company
11. N</span>ew better products are being introduced u<span>nder conditions of competition by companies</span>