1. I am going to play the piano.
2. Mary is going to play the guitar.
3. John is going to learn to play the violin.
4.Nick's sister is going to write songs for us.
5. My father is going to pay for the instruments.
6. Tim is going to organize our concerts.
7. We are going to become famous.
2.Of; In.
6.For; With.
7.In; Of.
9.Of; In; Of.
10.Of; At.
If you go in school you need follow good rules behaviour .
First of all you not need shout and make a lot of noise . It is impolite tease other children they can reply also . You need be polite : stand up when your teacher enter the room . Often use phrases such as : please and thank you as well as use phrases : sorry and excuse me , when you do something wrong .
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поздно, но все таки...