Muscular body, powerful legs, a large head. The look of even very awesome. Tiger can easily argue with the lion for the title of the king of beasts. After all, the tiger is the largest cat on Earth. Adult animal reaches 2.5 m, but still do not forget the tail length up to 90 see Especially large is the far Eastern Ussuri subspecies. This kitty does not weigh less than 300 kg
The coat of this wild cat reddish-brown. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a tiger without his bands. By the way, they are each their own: someone stripes no, someone they are hardly noticeable, and strips of different shapes and location. Meet and the albino tigers, however, more and more often not in the wild, and in zoos and reserves. In nature tigers inhabit the territory from Siberia to Java and Bali. In connection with continuing persecution of man and unfavorable changes in climate, population of tigers is constantly decreasing. Most tigers in India and Indochina. There are about 3,000. And our far East there are only 200 in Iran and Afghanistan do not live more than 50 tigers.
<span>Tigers prefer to live in the woods, close to waters and tend to live alone, but to its neighbours-the tigers are friendly. Among them, fights are very rare, even over territory. And every tiger his vast estates of up to 100 km To bypass the tiger had to go up to 80 km per day. Tigers are nocturnal, but can meet and day, if there is a need to hunt. By the way, hunters they were fine - careful, well disguised, absolutely noiseless. They easily move on land and easily climb trees. Tigers can develop greater speed, so that the victim hide very difficult. Their main prey - wild pigs, deer, buffalos. Tiger food and never touches down</span>
We travel around England every summer.
(Present Simple)
I have travelled since when I was 7. (Present Perfect)
I travelled to America last year. (Past Simple)
I am travelling around Britain now. (Present Continuous)
I will travel to Scotland soon. (Future Simple)
I am going to travel to Spain next week (Конструкция going to do something для выражения запланированного будущего)
I am travelling to London in a week. (Present Continuous для запланированного будущего)
I was travelling around Britain from June 15th to June 28th.(Past Continuous)
I have not travelled to Australia yet. (Present Perfect)
I have travelled around Britain many times. (Present Perfect)
1. Государство будет финансировать строительство больницы.
2. Мы приложим все усилия, чтобы минимизировать издержки производства.
3. позвонить в туристическое агентство и забронировать место в самолете.
<span>4. Он встретился со своим американским коллегой в московском аэропорту.</span>
Прочитайте примечания, а затем написать историю о Беатрикс Поттер, используя соответствующие прошлые формы. Когда она -grow до Беатрикс Поттер -be-очень любят животных и -Всегда рисовать - фотографии своего домашнего кролика / Она - зарабатывать на жизнь в качестве иллюстратора в течение нескольких лет, прежде чем ее мечта стать автором -Ну правда / Это - быть результатом письма - она - больного ребенка, описывающего приключения четырех кроликов / она - позже опубликовать его - как "Повесть о Петре Кролик" / It -become - мгновенный успех и больше сказок - следуют / к тому времени, Беатрикс - умереть - она - написать более двадцати пяти сказок и - добиться признания в качестве одного величайших детских писателей.
Lately there is a great increase in fitness clubs. why it happens? I think because people want keeping fit and stay healthy. But it's not the only one reason. The influens of media effecred on peoples mind. we see butiful people on a scrin every day and we started think that this look is normal, that we must look the same. and sport it's not longer the way to be healthy .. it's the to be "normal". And it's wrong. sport on the first place is activity you want to do. its might be walking, jogging or's your choise. sport helps to be healthe not only to our body but our mind too. it's relaxing, decrease the stress level,oxygenate the brain that helps to think clear. And anouther reason- it's fun.