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English language-the most common language in the world. If you know English, you will have many opportunities in the future.
I like the English language, as it will not only come in handy in the future, but will play a role in the present.
We live in a world of technology. Knowing English helps us make friends on the Internet, as English is the world language that everyone know.English helps to get in touch with people who may live on another Continent and have a different view of life.
If you want to achieve high results in your life, to conquer what you can’t conquer to anyone else, to leave a mark on the development of the world, to find true friendship even 1000 km from here, to show others that everyone can do this, you should study English, After all, he can give you not only a promising future, but also a fun full communication today.
Весной всё расцветает, просыпается. С юга на север обратно прилетают перелётные птицы. Все влюбляются, радуются тёплой погоде. По земле побежали звонкие ручейки.Дни становятся длиннее и светлее.Весна это пробуждение всего , природы людей, растений!Поэтому каждый кто идёт по улице улыбается, и радуется теплу которое принесла весна!!!Настроение так же как и температура воздуха поднимается с каждым днём!Весной небо над головой становится выше и светлее! На земле больше нет этого холодного снега, поэтому родители отпускают своих детей гулять без опаски что они могут простудиться! Весна одно из самых лучьших времён года!
I am writing the letter to my granny now. The author is working on his new book at the moment. We are reading a book now
<span>1. If I were you, i would write to her.
2. If I were taller, I would play in a basketball team.
3. If you stay longer, you meet my parents.
4. If she did not eat so much, she was slimmer.
5. If he did not see them, he would not know the truth.
</span><span>6. What will you do if you see him?
7. What would you do if you had million dollars?
8. If they have million dollars, they travel around the world.
9. What would you do if you lost your key?
10. If I lose my key, I call my parents.