1) a-5, b-2 (Джокер), c-3, d-6
2) honest - dishonest
hard-working - lazy
talkative - quite
modest - arrogant
impatient - patient
nice - nasty
3) Captain Jack Sparrow is clever, but not always nice. He can be dishonest. He's confident and sometimes rude. I think he is impatient.
Will Turner is a kind, clever, honest and patient person.
<span>Do cows have horns , with which it is protected .
She also has the udder from which decant milk. Home cow gives milk, from which then make butter , cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream. And it gives us the delicious meat . On the day of the cow can give almost three buckets of milk , it is very useful!
The cow gives milk
To the cow had a lot of milk , she eats a juicy summer grass and winter hay.
Baby cow - calf . While little kid - he drinks from the udder of the mother's milk , and when growing up , milk no longer need him - he eats as adult animals .
Baby cow - calf
<span>Cowshed cows with their calves live in the barn - a special warm barn .</span></span>
1. CAN you dive a car?
2<span>The weather was bad and we MUST stay at home.
3. </span><span>They might to go for a walk
4. </span><span>The train sholud arrive soon.
5. </span><span>The students must pass exams in June.</span>
Mohammad: Я не думаю, что быть знаменитым- это хорошо потому, что знаменитые люди не свободные персоны.
Liz: Я знаю, что многие люди думают, что знаменитости свободны и могут отправиться туда, куда захотят и делать то, что захотят.
M: Согласен, но очень часто их везде преследуют фотографы.
L: Как верно. Однажды я видела популярного певца, который отправился в магазин, а фотографы не могли оставить его в покое.