One sunny Sunday morning Mark and Bill went to the beach.They wanted to surf.There was golden sand on the beach.The friends saw a sign "No Swimming-Sharks" on the beach.But they ignored it and started surfing.Suddenly a big shark appeared.The boys began to yell:"Shark!Help us!"But nobody heard them.Bill proposed Mark to jump onto his board.He got onto the board and began to paddle towards the beach.They pushed Mark's board towards the shark.The shark was angry and broke other board into pieces.Friends saved their lives.They were lucky and happy to be alive!
Monday: English (англ. язык),Maths (математика), Physics (физика),
Geography (география), Biology ( биология)
Tuesday: Art(s) (рисование), Sport (PT=Physical Training), Russian (русский язык), Russian Literature (русская литература)
Wednesday: Maths, Chemistry (химия), Music (музыка)
Thursday: Russian, Math class, IT (Information Technology) - (информатика), PE (Physical Education)-(физкультура)
Friday: Science (естествознание), History (история), Literature, English, Technology (технология),
Saturday: Social studies ( обществоведение или обществознание ), Maths,
IT, Technical Drawing (черчение)
По своему дневнику выбери предметы и допиши к дням недели нужные.
In rainy weather, stay in the family, go to the play, go for a whole day on the Moskva River, find everything - from matryoshka to caviar, look forward to the weekend, in Saturday morning, get carried away by music, take interest in books, love travel, go to an interesting tour
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How does she go to work?
What does she do in the evening?
What time does she go to bed?