1. is stronger
2. the most popular
3. lazier
4. slower
5. more interesting
6. shorter
7. older
8. the most expencive
9. the best
10. the newest
1. stronger the strongest
2. busier the busiest
3. darker the darkest
4. warmer the warmest
5. better the best
6. more beautiful the most beautiful
7. kinder the kindest
8. brighter the brightest
9. more comfortable the most comfortable
10. happier the happiest
11. finer the finest
12. hotter the hottest
Привет, Юра! Бонн, 18 апреля.
Я пишу тебе из Бонна, в котором холодно и дует ветер. Париж прекрасный. Я никогда не смогу забыть о нём. В Париже было солнечно и жарко. Мы хотели лежать под солнцем (загорать), но у нас не получалось. Парки этого города великолепны. В лувре было не очень хорошо, но я нашел картинную галерею. Больше всего мне понравилось в башне. Я немного по фотографировал Париж. Позже, я Вышлю тебе несколько.
Бонн выглядит очень красиво и здесь очень красивые церкви и достопримечательности. В городе интересно, но во время дождя- он выглядит серым. Мы все скучаем по солнцу, которое было в париже. Я думаю, погода еще будет лучше.
Moi Plani na budushee: sdohnut
1. Have you ever travelled to France?
2. Have you visited the Effel Tower when you were in France?
3. Bruce Lee had an interesting life. Unfortunately he passed away.
1.Fred said me to close the door.
2.Justin said his younger sister to not <span>forget</span> to take books back to the library.
3.Paul said Bob to take French lessons. He said Bob to good at languages.
4.We were playing war and Max who pretended to be a general said us to surround the enmy.
5.Little Lizzy didn't want to go to the dentist,but her mother said her to must go. Mother said her to have a bad tooth.
6.The head teacher said me to come to the meeting earlier.
7.The law says every driver to must have a valid driver's licence.
8.Pauline's friend said her to not forget to translate the article.
9.Mrs Fowels said her children to not play with matches!
10.The experienced teacher said her younger colleague to explain the things the puplils don't understand again,but try to do it differently.