Смотри приложение :
1 a mouse
2 a fish
3 a dolphin
4 a chicken
5 a dog
6 a cat
7 a pig
8 an ant
9 an elephant
10 a chimp
11 a rabbit
12 a horse
13 a frog
Здравствуй! у меня плохо видно можешь переделать и желательно сказать в каком ты классе и из какой это книги ( если ты знаешь) , потому что вряд ли кто это сделает. может только если найти ответы.
<span>4. She doesn't want (her daughter) to come home late.-she doesn't want HER daughter to come home late
7. I'd like (you) to offer him help.-I would like YOU to offer him help.
остальное ОК.
1) When do you have this day?
2) What do you usually do in this day?
3) Do you like this day? And why?
4) What time do you wake up and fall asleep in this day?
5) Does this day pass too fast for you?
6) How much hour of this day is spent on doing homework for school?