Переход окраски в водных растворах от красной к оранжево-жёлтой наблюдается в области рН 3,1-4,4 (в кислой среде красный, в щелочной — жёлтый).
Слоны работали в цирке.Они очень огромные ,тяжёлые но Хорошие и талантливые. А Аллигаторы не могут работать в цирке. Дети боятся и аллигаторов и крокодилов потому что у них есть большие зубы. Они опасны. Они могут съесть тебя!
My favorite shop is MVideo.
1. Are/I'm (am)
2. are/is
3. Are/ aren't/ We're (are)
4. Is /a /isn't /an
5. Are /are /a
1. lives
2. work
3. catch
4. eats
5. have
6. leaves
1. Does Luxottica make glasses?
2. The CEO doesn't live in Germany.
3. Do they have offices in Tokio.
4. We don't manufacture Porsche cars in India.
5. Do you work in the USA?
6. Fiat doesn't employ 12,000 people.
7. Do I have Hani's address?
8. Mr and Mrs Sanz don't live in Berlin.
1. Francis always has a meeting on Friday.
2. +
3. Kelly is often late for work.
4. I never leave the office at six o'clock.
5. +
6. Sometimes they have a video conference in the morning.
7. We often go to a team meeting.
8. Josh and Mia never listen to other people's opinion.
1. is
2. a
3. employs
4. always
5. doesn't
6. reads
7. a
8. have
9. the
10. work
1. Spaniard
2. Europe and the USA
3. Italian
4. Chinese
5. Russian
6. French
7. Brazil
8. Indian
1. manufacturing
2. produces
3. sells
4. products
5. manufacture
6. production
7. sales
8. staff
1. Where are you from?
2. What company are you with?
3. What do you do?
4. What's your name?
1. What's your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. What do you do?
4. What company are you with?
1. d
2. e
3. a
4. b
5. c
1. The company is called
2. It has offices in
3. It's based
4. It's a
5. It sells
6. It employs
My friend is the most good. I like his character traits. He's good, kind, polite, intelligent. We're friends with him for a long time. He helps me at a difficult moment while I tell him. We go to school together and come back together. He's my best friend