There are large and small breeds of cats. On average, an ordinary domestic cat weighs between 3 and 5 kg. Castrated cats are heavier, as they are inactive, their weight is about 5-6 kg. But there are cats that are not inferior to the parameters of the average dog in terms of height and weight.
Существуют крупные и маленькие породы кошек. В среднем, обычная домашняя кошка весит от 3 до 5 кг. Кастрированные коты тяжелее, так как они малоподвижны, их вес составляет примерно 5-6 кг. Но существуют такие кошки, которые по росту и весу не уступают параметрам средней собаки.
Each of <span>four seasons brings different weather and different clothes.</span> When it is hot, people wear T-shirts and shorts.<span>In cold weather people usually put on warm clothes: jeans and trousers, </span><span>overcoats and caps.</span><span>The proverb says: </span>"Everything is good in its season." When you buy clothes, try them on.
1. Let me help you, madam
2. Anne called Sam, or did they quarrel again?
3. She will not tell us the truth, she is too stubborn
4. Come out, we have been waiting for you for a long time
5. Sally has a favorite cat, and he looks after her
6. They do not go to Paris, because it's cold in there
7. She knows how to sing well, and dances well.
8. Paul will do the shopping, because in the evening there will be a dinner 9. He never speaks rudely, he is well brought up
10. Let's clean the room, today there is a lot of garbage
11. To marry did not smoke so much, because it would lead to lung cancer
12. She ate breakfast at 7:30 and lunch at 12:40 13. Let me buy you this shirt because she's on to you 14. John spoke with Nick, so they quarreled 15. Elena wears contact lenses because she does not see well 16. I'm thin, because I eat a lot.