Who, which, that, which, that, who, whose, who, when, whose
Zhenya hasn't went bungee jumping.
Rauan and Sauran've ran a marathon
Zhenya and Sanzhar haven't tried Indian food.
Zhenya hasn't ran a marathon
Rauan and Sauran've slept in a tent
Строители 1912 года верили, что смогут покорить стихии непотопляемым кораблем
17 1 puzzled 2 mornful 3 excited 4 worried 5 tired
Building 2
city 3
tourist 5
guide 4
capital 1
gallery 6
1 information, stay, stadium, famous, great, place
2 future, beautiful, new, student
3 gallery, capital, travel
4 gallery, interesting,capital, building, stadium, cinema
5 there, square, where