What will you do after school? Или
What will you do after lessons?
Мы с классом решили отправиться на пикник.
Я собрал весь класс и решил, кто за то будет отвечать. Коля вызвался принести 5 литров газировки, а Маша решила сервировать стол. Катя взяла на себя готовку, а все остальные решили принести продукты к пикнику.
Настал долгожданный час пикника, нам было очень весело. Сначала мы играли в мяч, а после мы перекусили бутербродами, которые приготовила Катя.
We decided to go to a class picnic.I collected the whole class and decided who would be responsible for. Kohl's offered to bring 5 liters of soda, and Masha decided to lay the table. Katya took over the cooking and all the others decided to bring food for a picnic.<span>Then came the long-awaited hour outing, we had a lot of fun. First we played ball, and after we bite sandwiches, which prepared Katya.</span>
<span>1. I almost ever go up the lift.
2. The apartment has got six rooms.
3. In my room there is only little furniture.
4. We must go shopping at the weekend!
I do my homework in the evening and then I go to bed
<span><span>1) You will be <u>more</u>(</span><em>убрать</em><span>) healthier if you smile a lot.
2) You will be <u>most</u> (more) energetic if you get a little exercise every
3) If you do something <u>bad</u> (worse) than your friend,don't panic.You may
be <u>more</u>(<em>убрать</em>) better in something else.
4) Jane was the eldest (oldest) in the group.
5) Last summer was <u>more hot</u> (hotter) than now.
6) Alex was <u>more</u>(<em>убрать</em>) fitter than his friends.