My bag is very big.It is a black.
Ann wrote letters to us from abroad
The Barkers went...
Sue begin... (без usually)
John had soup... (без usually )
What will the weather be like in Brighton?
- It will be hot and sunny in Brighton.
What will the weather be like in St. Petersburg?
- It will be rain and foggy.
What will the weather be like in Moscow?
- It will be cold and dirty.
What will the weather be like in San Francisco?
- It will be cold and with slush.
What will the weather be like in Seattle?
- It will be cool and moderately wet.
What will the weather be like in Ottawa?
- It will be dust and very hot.
What will the weather be like in Oslo?
-It will be snowy and with hail.
Портфолио: Сделайте форму о себе, подобную Тони. Обмен бланками с партнером. Затем напишите короткий параграф, как тот, который приведен в Ex.2, о вашем партнере.