Напишите, что вы /ваши друзья /не нужно делать каждый день.Пример:мне нужно идти в школу каждый будний день,но я не должен идти в школу в субботу и воскресенье
St.Petersburg, Kazan
Бурые медведи
I love to spend time with my father. we can often watch a movie at home if it rains outside. sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theater if the weather is fine. My dad and I work together in my grandmother's garden. that we already love listening to music and dancing. We are preparing to eat for our family as well.
Я люблю проводить время с отцом. мы часто можем посмотреть фильм дома, если на улице идёт дождь. иногда мы ходим в кино или в театр, если на улице хорошая погода. я и папа вместе работаем в саду у бабушки. та уже мы любим слушать музыку и танцевать. Мы готовим кушать для нашей семьи также.
I usually do task and aswer on lesson, when a teacher to ask us. Also I and all students check our homework.
<span>1. The sun has not risen yet, but the sky in the east is getting lighter every minute.
2. I saw you walking along the street the other day with a heavy bag.
3. I have not read the newspaper today.
4. It is very late, and trams have stopped running: we must find a taxi to get home.
5. How many times have you been to St. Petersburg?
6. At last I have translated this article: now I shall have a little rest.
7. We went to the country yesterday, but the rain spoilt all the pleasure.
8. My watch was going in the morning, but now it has stopped.
9. The lecture has not begun yet and the students are talking in the classroom.
10. She has just gone out.
11. She left the room a moment ago.
12. We have not solved the problem yet.
13. When did it all happen?
14. The morning was cold and rainy, but since ten o'clock the weather has changed and now the sun is shining brightly.
15. Show me the dress which you have made.
16. Oh, how dark it is! A large black cloud has covered the sky. I think it will start raining in a few minutes.
17. Oh, close the window! Look, all my papers have fallen on the floor because of the wind.
18. When did you open the window? — I opened it ten minutes ago</span>