1. more important
2. worse
3. more interesting
In Moscow with a lot of sunshine cold hot
in Astrakhan with rainstorms warm wet
in Tula with a tight fog foggy rainy
in Lipetsk with a lot of snow cool frosty
in Kursk with a lot of sunshine bright clear
in Saratov with a lot of sunshine dry misty
in Murmansk with a thick fog
in Novosibirsk with a lot of snow
We're writing 1 because we were in the park yesterday and we found a lot of rubbish there. This photo 2 shows the old cartons, jars and packets which we found. We think there are 3 possibly two reasons 4 for all the rubbish. 5 Firstly, there aren't enough bins and a lot of people aren't careful enough, 6 so they leave their old cans and plastic bags everywhere. 7 Secondly, nobody looks after the park or takes away all the rubbish. We need somebody to clean the place every day. The rubbish in our park is a real problem. We must do something 8 about it.
1 imaginative 2 suitable 3 joggers 4 handle 5 imperfect 6 unbreakable
Мама! Могу я пойти на "Поезд-призрак", пожалуйста? Да, если хочешь. Возьми с собой Салли. Оо! Можно мне сахарную вату? Мы можем покататься на аттракционных электромобилях снова, пожалуйста, пап? Пап! Я голоден. Можно мне еще бургер, пожалуйста?