Существует много разных типов вулканов. Некоторые формы высоких гор, в то время как другие являются частью больших равнин. Горные вулканы, которые поднимаются с земли, делятся на несколько основных категорий. Стратовулкан, также называемый составным конусом, является типом вулкана, который обычно приходит в голову, когда кто-то говорит: вулкан." Это классическая, конусообразная гора с кратером сверху. Гора Этна в Италии, гора Сент-Хеленс в Соединенных Штатах, гора Котопакси в Эквадоре, гора Фудзи в Японии, гора Пинатубо на Филиппинах и Кракатау в Индонезии - это несколько примеров. Кратер может быть либо кальдером, либо дырой, взорванной во время сильного извержения.
A short life story
One day one man named Pavel decided to remodel his bike to make it more comfortable. <span>He had been fixing the bike since the early morning and his mother decided to bring him some food. She came to the garage and saw a terrible picture. Pavel was trying to join two parts of his bike. He was red and was standing in a very strange position. His mother was very kind. She had never <span>interfered with his problems before so she didn't say anything ans went away. In the evening she looked out the window and saw how Pavel was trying to ride his new bike. He travelled two metres and his bike broke into some pieces. Pavel was very angry. His mother pulled the curtains and coudn't stop laughing. </span></span>
My hobby is sports. I collect information about my favorite athletes. I follow their achievements and successes. I am a fan of many of them and do sports myself. With many sports stars I am in correspondence and they give me advice and recommendations. I myself do sports and advise everyone.
1 Oxford isn't so big as London
2 It is as old as the Tower of London.
3 A car is not so fast as a plane.
4 She is as good in cooking as her mother.
5 In Ukraine the weather in May is as warm as in Belarus.
These are my sisters. Look at them!
Can you give me my bag, please?
That is Paul. I don't like him.
Mrs Green is our teacher. We see her every day at school.
Look at us! We are on the tree