Я люблю комнату.Она,очень большая и красивая. У меня коричневая и розовая кровать.
<h3>1 задание</h3>
These students, these laboratories, those researches, those lectures
<h3>2 задание</h3>
1. better
2. the most difficult
3. as complicated as
<h3>3 задание </h3>
не вижу слова, из которых нужно составить предложения
<h3>4 задание</h3>
1. Their lecture of mathematics is Mr.John - Их лектор по математике - Джон
2. We often see them at the lecture - Мы часто видим их на лекции
3. Our laboratory of physics is on the second floor - Наша лаборатория по физике находится на 2ом этаже
<h3>5 задание</h3>
1. Yesterday I didn't have the laboratory work on Physics. Did I have the laboratory work on Physics yesterday? - Вчера у меня не было лабораторной работы по физике. Была у меня вчера лабораторная работа по физике?
2. She won't hardly work for Ph.D degree. Will she work for Ph. D degree? - Она вряд ли будет получать ученую степень. Будет ли она получать ученую степень?
3. My friend doesn't wish to become a professor. Does my friend wish to become a professor? - Мой друг не хочет стать профессором. Хочет мой друг стать профессоро
Tom is a pupil.....................................
a. Learning Resources 5. The materials or tools which help students learn eg books, computers, cassettes, etc.
b. Matching Task 2. A type of task in which students are asked to pair related things together, for example, match two halves of a sentence, or a word with a picture.
c. Chant 4. To repeat a phrase, sentence or poem, usually with others, in a regular rhythm
d. Timing 3. The likely time which different activities or stages in a lesson plan should take. When teachers plan lessons, they think about how long each activity will take and they usually write this on their plan.
e. Participation 1. To take part in something, e.g a lesson or classroom activity