нужен текст с задания перед этим
<span>Вчера, Чимокель Чилапонг,домохозяйка из Кении и мать четверых детей, выиграла марафон в Найроби и получила приз в размере 12 тыс. долл., обойдя сотни профессиональных атлетов. Она впервые принимала участие в марафоне и пробежала его за 2 часа, 39 минут и 9 секунд. Среди участников марафона были такие профессионалы как Джойс Чепчумба - трехкратный победитель Лондонского марафона. Чимокель начала заниматься марафонским бегом всего лишь год назад в апреле, чтобы заплатить за обучение своих детей. В настоящее время она является национальным героем Кении и источником вдохновения для других людей. по мнению людей, она целеустремленная женщина, преданная мать и талантливый человек. На следующей неделе будет вечеринка в ее честь.</span>
1. Синонимы.
holiday - weekend(s)
village-countryside (country)
to observe-to see
fortnight-two weeks
2. *Reported speech*
1. She asked me when it had been the first time I met my friend.
2. She asked me how long it had been since I got a new friend.
3. He said that he could trust his friend totally.
4. She said that Mary always supported her when she was in need.
5. He said that he would go out on a picnic with his friends.
6. She said that her mum had always been the most important friend in her life.
7. Mum said that a friend was like a plant of slow growth.
8. Father asked me what had happened to my friend.
9. She asked me who I went to when I had problems.
10. He said that they were having a debating on friendship then at that moment.
There are four season in year,
There are twelve month in year.
Autumm and winter are cold.
Spring is warm and summer is hot.
Grass is green in spring and in summer.
Is snows in winter and rain in autumm.
1) Our teacher said that a good memory is necessary for successful learning of foreign languages. 2) He said that he took the ticket Adler. 3) She asked me if I liked these songs. 4) The commander ordered the soldiers to be built. 5) She said that the mail had already been sorted and that tomorrow psmo will be delivered to the address. 6) He did not say what grade he gave me. 7) I was told that the house I was interested in was demolished two years ago. 8) He explained, his car was under repair, and he had to go on foot. Therefore, he was late. 9) the doctor said that she should not get up: he had not yet recovered from the illness and should remain in bed. 10) He said that I should call my supervisor and ask for advice.